måndag 6 maj 2013

Good Night World!!

Hello everybody..
So yesterday me and Mel moved to my grandma and grandpas house for a couple o days and well so long it's been great.
I don't know how your weather are but we're having really warm and nice weather. So I'm gonna go ahed and say that the summer is here! And to brag little, I got a little burned today!! Okay not really burned but you can se that I got little color today!
Oh also there is a football ground thing outside the house so we were gonna play some football but well we didn't find a football. So instead we ended up playing tennis with child tennis thing and I might have broke it.. Anyway if some nice soul would like to be a angel and send us a football it would be so nice of you!! Well I'm pretty tierd now and I know I need to get a life because it's boring to not do anything but yeah I don't know what I'm writing so good night then!!


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